Something new...

July 11, 2017

It has been a while since I wrote. I was having a conversation with a friend and I realized I had not written in months. So here I am, back at it.

Life has become a bit routine. I have been feeling a bit stagnant and wanting more out of this God given blessing I call life.

What is the answer to this? I know for me when I am in this season switching things up and adding to my life can help.

I have decided to challenge myself to do something new at least once a week. I have done this before and had success with it. If you are wondering, “What kinds of things?” These are some of the things that I like to try to combat, what I call the “dry season”. I hope this helps.

Set some new goals

When was the last time that you made some goals? Do you need to re-visit some old goals that you may have set for yourself and restructure them? Setting goals that are achievable and following through with them can give you a sense of accomplishment. In any area of your life it is important to have a plan. I am sure we have all heard the famous quote from Benjamin Franklin “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” So get on that plan!

Take a class

Sign up for that cooking class, fitness class, crochet class ..etc. You have been contemplating it for years. If not now, when?  Maybe you have always wanted to learn how to do something? Well this is the perfect time to do so. When you listen to your heart you find that you start to feel excited and life no longer feels as boring.

Join a club

There is power in spending time with like-minded people. You can learn from them and you can also teach them a thing or two. You can make new connections and share your passions with others.


It is good for your mind and body, it brings fun and fulfillment to your life. So find a cause you believe in, a place that makes your heart sing. Find a place that matches your personality and your values and have fun.
Find a place that speaks to your heart and donate your time there. You would be surprised how much this feeds your soul. There are so many advantages to volunteering. It connects you to others.

Go outside of your comfort zone

This is a hard one for a lot of people. The feeling of being uncomfortable can cause so much fear and anxiety at first. I have found that when I push past that there is glory and happiness on the other side. You can start small, like going to a new restaurant, trying food you have never tried before. Going to a movie on your own? Sparking up a conversation with a stranger.Try get outside of your comfort zone, you would be surprised at what is on the other side.

There are so many activities to try. Pretty much anything that you have not done before is fair game. I wish you the best of luck and have a wonderful time exploring. I know I will.

Living Prosperously

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